Capital City Quilters (CCQ) is a quilting guild located in Juneau, Alaska. The Guild's purpose is to contribute to the growth and knowledge of quilting techniques, as well as to encourage fellowship among Juneau’s quilters. Any person interested in quilting is welcome to become a member of the Capital City Quilter’s Guild. The annual membership fee is $35.00. Click here for the Membership Application Form.
“Fat Quarter” is the Guild’s monthly newsletter. The Newsletter Editor distributes the “Fat Quarter” electronically (email). The deadline for submission of articles is usually the 26th of each month.
Fund Raising: Dues, silent auctions, raffles and other small fundraisers support CCQ activities. Why does CCQ, a non-profit, need fundraisers? The CCQ Quilt Show is a gift to the community, and the Guild totally funds the cost to produce the Show. CCQ pays rent for space, tables, hanging frames, etc. to support the Show. Also, the cost of the website, birthday treats, renting space for UFO and the monthly meeting, materials for charity projects, and bringing instructors for workshops are either fully funded or subsidized by CCQ. The Guild also funds other events and projects through the year and keeps the cost of dues down through these fundraisers.
Meeting Times and Places: The Guild’s business meeting is held from 10:30-noon on the third Saturday of the month, although this is subject to change (check the Calendar to confirm meeting dates/times). Members meet at the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, at 8198 Keegan Street. Visitors are welcome, and encouraged to become members. No business meeting is held in December but generally there is time reserved for UnFinished Objects (UFO).
UFO stands for UnFinished Objects, and is a time when members can get together to work on whatever project they wish. UFO time is generally scheduled from 9:00am to midnight on one Saturday (usually the third Saturday) of each month at the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. Members can come for whatever portion of that time they wish, to visit with other members and work on individual projects. Occasionally CCQ offers small classes or other events during UFO. Participation in these events is optional.
Retreats: At the Direction of the executive board, the Guild may sponsor a quilter’s retreat. Retreats usually are held at the Shrine of St. Therese, or the Eagle Valley Retreat, and are scheduled over a long weekend. Interested members can attend for part or all of the retreat and quilt to their heart’s content. The cost of the retreat is based on the cost of renting the facility and dividing it equally by the number or people attending (no matter the portion of time spent at the facility).

About Us
At the direction of the Board, the Education Committee brings to Juneau quilt instructors from out of town. These are generally people who have become well-known for their quilt work and/or techniques and ideas. The Guild also utilizes local talent to share skills and techniques. Guild members have first preference in taking these classes and workshops; non-members may sign-up as space is available.
The Guild maintains the Judy Hopkins Education Fund (JHEF). The late Judy Hopkins lived in Juneau/Douglas and was an active member of the CCQ Guild. She was also an internationally known quilt designer and instructor. Her family generously donated Judy’s quilting materials to the Guild, resulting in a garage sale that started the JHEF. The Guild set aside funds from the garage sale, and continues to add to the JHEF with various fund raising projects to subsidize activities that provide opportunities for quilters to learn and enhance quilting skills.

A major objective of the Guild is to encourage fellowship among Juneau’s quilters and contribute to their growth and knowledge of quilting techniques. Retreats, open sew events, Unfinished Objects (UFOs), parties, and classes are all held to benefit members and promote fellowship within the quilting community.
Community Service
The Capital City Quilt Guild participates in a number of community service projects throughout the year as well as providing a biennial Capital City Quilt Show free for the community.
Other projects include comfort quilts, pillowcases and mittens.
Our lives are like quilts –bits and pieces, joy and sorrow, stitched with love.